9/3 Lock-In Reminder Letter
Dear Parents/Guardians, We are very excited about Lock-In on Friday, September 3rd, and Saturday, September 4th of this week! We hope...
Aug 30, 2021

2021 Lock-In
Dear Parents and/or Guardians, The Lock-In at HAS is finally here! The Lock-In will take place Friday, September 3, 5:00 PM through...
Aug 25, 2021

8/16 Virtual Assembly
Due to Covid, Monday morning assemblies at HAS take place via Google Meets. All students on campus watch assembly on the screens in their...
Aug 20, 2021

PSAT Test Sign Up Before 9/3
Dear Parents, I am currently signing up students for this year's PSAT exam to be given on October 13. The cost is NT800 per student. This...
Aug 18, 2021

Back to School Letter
Dear HAS Community, We are very excited to begin our 2021-2022 school year at Hsinchu American School. We know that this summer has been...
Aug 5, 2021