Dear HAS Community,
I am extremely excited about the 2023-2024 school year, as well as moving forward in the future. We have a number of excellent new teachers, and I’m excited about the new students joining our school. Not only is this our 19th year, the school continues to undergo steady improvement in the areas of instruction, extra-curricular activities, and facilities. I am certain this will be one of the best years in the history of the Hsinchu American School.
I am most excited about moving into our new school facilities for the start of the 2023 school year. The new facility will allow us to continue to improve across all of our programs.
We are also excited here at HAS about continuing to build, improve and grow our lower elementary grades. We have had increasing enrollment in these grades over the past couple of years, and I am certain this will continue. We have an excellent returning staff of highly motivated elementary homeroom teachers who will continue to bring a great deal of excitement and energy to the continuing design and creation of this program.
The Hsinchu American School has a great future ahead of us. I wish to thank all the
parents, students, staff, and teachers who make our school special.
Darin L. Murphy
Superintendent/Head of School