4/26 Grade 3 Social Studies Class
In Social Studies, the third grade class learned about the transcontinental railroad in America. To wrap up this lesson, the students...
Apr 27, 2021

4/26 Lexia Superstar
This month, almost half of the elementary students earned Lexia Superstar certificates! Hank, Chung Tai, Suri, Apple, Angela, Wesley, and...
Apr 27, 2021

Our fourth annual HAS Model United Nations is here! Model United Nations is a simulation of the United Nations, where students will...
Apr 26, 2021

4/21 Grade 3 Oreo Activity
Over the past week, our third grade students have been learning about the different phases of the moon. Today, the students did an OREO...
Apr 21, 2021

Alumni Spotlight: Ben Li
“A University Freshman in the Time of Covid” Ben Li was tired, very tired. It was the fall of 2020 in the time of Covid, and Ben was...
Apr 21, 2021