2/6 MAPS Test
January 19, 2023 Dear Parents/Guardians, Following the Lunar New Year break, we will conduct our third MAPS testing session for grades...
Jan 19, 2023

1/16 Lexia Superstar
《Lexia Superstar》 In elementary we are celebrating some reading awards! The students have been using a reading program called Lexia which...
Jan 16, 2023

1/10 Lifelong learner Award
《Lifelong learner Award》 The Middle School, Lifelong Learner Award goes out to a returning student who has been very kind to her peers...
Jan 10, 2023

1/10 Global Citizen Award
《Global Citizen Award》 Our theme for last month's Elementary School, Global Citizen Award was Grit. We looked for someone with a passion...
Jan 10, 2023

1/3 First Day of 2nd Sermester
Welcome back! We are sure you had a great Christmas break! Let us welcome the new year and new semester with new energy and hope. Let's...
Jan 3, 2023