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What is WASC?

The Western Association of School and Colleges (WASC) is an accrediting commission for schools based out of California. Their job is to accredit international schools based on the California or Common Core standards. The re-accreditation process is an 18 month process including an extensive Self-Study report written by the school detailing what they do. WASC’s job is to do an extensive investigation into the Self-Study report and school to see if they are meeting all standards and doing everything possible to meet all of the students’ educational needs. The process ends in a large-scale six day visit from a WASC Visiting Committee consisting of three members. During this visit they analyze all aspects of the school including curriculum, teachers, management, plans for the future and much more. Their visit will determine the accrediting status of the school.

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What does WASC accreditation mean for a school?

WASC accreditation means that any student who attends our school will have their credits accepted in schools and universities in the United States, as well as many other countries. Furthermore, it means that the school is considered by WASC to have a good educational program for students with strong teachers to implement it. In a nutshell, it means that the school who has WASC accreditation is considered a completely American school with a quality program that is located in America.

HAS WASC Re-Accreditation

The Hsinchu American School has just received a full six-year re-accreditation term from the (WASC). As a result, HAS became the only international school in Hsinchu with a fully accredited grades 1-12 program. This exciting news provides our students and parents with the certainty that their education at HAS will be accepted worldwide. The WASC visiting team was especially impressed with HAS’s community spirit and parent support, as well as our dedication to continual school improvement. We would like to thank everyone who was involved in this lengthy yet rewarding process.


Gaining re-accreditation guarantees that our educational program is comparable to schools in the United States. WASC is a reflective process for schools to ensure that they are doing all that the Western Association of Schools and Colleges can meet all the student's educational needs. WASC looks at all aspects of a school, including curriculum, teachers, classroom management styles, and much more. Their goal is to make sure a school is being the best that it can be to ensure the best possible education for students. The school’s Learner Goals are very important to WASC as they help define how the school is run and what is important to them. Having Life-Long Learners, Critical Thinkers and Global Citizens are embedded into the curriculum of HAS.


The accreditation process does not only focus on what a school has accomplished but provides the opportunity for schools to recognize areas for growth. Throughout the WASC Self-Study process we identified three main goals: to increase literacy across all content areas, to grow our Service Learning Program, and to establish a quality online learning program that can be temporarily implemented during a future emergency. These areas of growth were established based on data collected and through the collaboration of all stakeholders. HAS heads into the next school year with confidence in its educational program and with the promise of continued improvement for the future.

Hsinchu American School Granted Another 6-Year Accreditation Status With WASC!

WASC's Words!

  • Strong mission statement.

  • Productive collaboration between the administrative team and faculty.

  • High teacher involvement in school wide activities.

  • The extensive range of clubs and co-curricular offerings for students to    access.

  • Student ownership and leadership with programs.

  • HAS has a culture of mutual respect.

  • There is a very good staff to student ratio.

  • The school board is very supportive

  • HAS presently is well-served by a caring principal and cohesive administrative team.

  • Students take pride in their school, and parents are supportive and confident in the education their children are receiving.

  • All students have access to a broad and challenging curriculum.

  • The recent adoption and implementation of MAP assessments effectively inform teaching and learning.

  • Students build self-esteem, take ownership and learn to be leaders through the school’s wide  range of co-curricular programs.

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