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Dear HAS Students, 


I am very excited to begin another year with our HAS family and to welcome all of the new students into our community this year! We all know that last year did not end the way we had hoped when the pandemic worsened in Taiwan. However, we are very hopeful that this school year will go much smoother and we will be able to enjoy all of our extracurricular events. 


We have some great things planned this year at HAS. We are determined to make the most out of the time we have together and return to some semblance of normalcy. One of the things I love most about our students is that they know how to work hard but also how to have fun. WE are expecting a lot of both this year. The Student Council has been working on some great events which we are all very excited about. 


Throughout the past two years, I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know all of the students at HAS and I never cease to be amazed at how resilient and strong you all are. Whether it is pushing yourself to do better in a class or keeping a positive attitude throughout Covid, you guys have proven to be the best. It is because of this I have faith in all of our HAS students’ futures. 


I am eager to see each and everyone of you grow throughout this school year. I want to see everyone push themselves not only academically but in all areas of their lives to grow as well-rounded individuals. So let's join together as a HAS family and make this year one of the best ever at Hsinchu American School.  



Mrs. Wilson

Hsinchu American School

Hsinchu American School | No.707. Sec.2, Wufu Rd., Xiangshan Dist., Hsinchu City 300110 Taiwan R.O.C.  | +886-3-520-3211 | Contact Us

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