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HAS WASC Re-Accreditation

The Hsinchu American School has just received a full six-year re-accreditation term from the (WASC). As a result, HAS became the only international school in Hsinchu with a fully accredited grades 1-12 program. This exciting news provides our students and parents with the certainty that their education at HAS will be accepted worldwide. The WASC visiting team was especially impressed with HAS’s community spirit and parent support, as well as our dedication to continual school improvement. We would like to thank everyone who was involved in this lengthy yet rewarding process.

Gaining re-accreditation guarantees that our educational program is comparable to schools in the United States. WASC is a reflective process for schools to ensure that they are doing all that the Western Association of Schools and Colleges can meet all the student's educational needs. WASC looks at all aspects of a school, including curriculum, teachers, classroom management styles, and much more. Their goal is to make sure a school is being the best that it can be to ensure the best possible education for students. The school’s Learner Goals are very important to WASC as they help define how the school is run and what is important to them. Having Life-Long Learners, Critical Thinkers and Global Citizens are embedded into the curriculum of HAS.

The accreditation process does not only focus on what a school has accomplished but provides the opportunity for schools to recognize areas for growth. Throughout the WASC Self-Study process we identified three main goals: to increase literacy across all content areas, to grow our Service Learning Program, and to establish a quality online learning program that can be temporarily implemented during a future emergency. These areas of growth were established based on data collected and through the collaboration of all stakeholders. HAS heads into the next school year with confidence in its educational program and with the promise of continued improvement for the future.



新竹美國學校再次獲得了西部學校與學院教育聯盟 (WASC)的六年認證。成為新竹唯一擁有 1至12 年級課程完全獲得WASC認證的外僑學校。 這是個讓學生及家長興奮的好消息,代表著新竹美國學校的學習成績將會被全世界學校認可。本次評鑑中訪視團隊對於學校校風和家長支持度印象極為深刻,衷心感謝參與評鑑過程中給予協助的每一個人。

能夠再次獲得認證,相信我們的教育計劃與美國在地的學校教學品質水準相當。 經由這次的WASC 評鑑促使學校再次省視,教學計畫是否盡其所能的滿足所有學生教育需求。 WASC 評鑑著眼於學校各個教學行政層面,包括課程、教師、課堂管理風格等等。 其目標為確保學校能提供給學生們最好的教育。 學校訂定的學習目標對WASC評鑑非常重要,它有助於定義學校的運作方式以及什麼才是對學校重要的,讓終身學習、批判性思考和全球公民融入於新竹美國學校的課程中貫徹。

這次評鑑認證過程,除了關注學校所取得的成就外,還提供學校了識別發展領域的機會。整個 WASC 自評過程中,我們定訂了三個主要教學目標:提高所有內容領域的素養、發展我們的服務學習計劃以及建立一個可以在未來緊急情況下實施的優質線上學習計劃。這些教學目標都是收集資料後,由所有全校共同訂定的。我們將滿懷信心地邁向下一學年,並期許在未來能持續精進我們教學品質。


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