9/14-9/15 MAP Test

Dear Parents/Guardians,
On September 14th-15th we will be administering our first round of MAPs testing. The test will be administered to all students grades 1st-10th. This is a computerized test that modifies itself according to each student's unique ability in Reading, Language Use, Math and Science. The goal of this test is to show the growth of the student over the course of the year. The test will be administered three times this school year. During these times, the students will not have normal classes for part of the day. Please contact Mrs. Wilson if you have any questions regarding our MAPs testing program.
Mrs. Wilson
謹定於9月14日至15日進行第一次的學業進度測驗(MAP Test)。這場測驗是針對所有1-10年級學生進行網路線上測驗,考試項目有英語閱讀、英文語文運用、數學及科學。測驗會依據學生的個別能力調整題目, 學業進度測驗的目的在瞭解學生在這學年中的學習成長情況,測試在本學年將分三次進行。學生受測當天上課時間將做彈性調整。 若您對我們的學業進度測驗(MAP Test)有任何疑問,請您與Mrs. Wilson聯絡。
Mrs. Wilson