2020-2021 Advising Letter

Dear Parents/Guardians,
As it is the beginning of the school year, I would like to explain our Advising program to you. We have Advising once a month throughout the year for grades 6th-12th. Each grade is assigned two Advising teachers. Advising takes place at 3:10-4:30 PM and it is required that all students attend.
Advising is a time for individual students to discuss their grades, attendance, and any issues or concerns that they may have at the school with their advising teachers. There will also be mini-lessons during Advising class dealing with different social and emotional issues that students their age may be experiencing. It is another way that we at HAS try to support our students and better ensure they have a successful and happy experience at our school. Below are the Advising dates for this school year. If you have any questions about this program, please contact Mrs. Wilson.
Advising Dates:
September 7th
October 5th
November 2nd
December 7th
January 11th
February 22nd
March 22nd
April 12th
May 10th
Mrs. Wilson
在課程指導時間,每位學生都能與輔導老師討論他們的成績,出勤率以及他們在學校可能遭遇到的任何問題。老師們於課程指導時間給予學生學習“建議”的同時,也解決同齡學生可能遇到的各種社會和情感問題。我們嘗試籍由這樣的方式來支持學生,以確保他們在學校能獲得圓滿且快樂的學習歷程。 如果您對『課程指導計畫』有任何疑問,歡迎您隨時與Mrs. Wilson聯繫。
Mrs. Wilson