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2019 Lock-In

Dear Parents and/or Guardians,

The Lock-In at HAS is finally here! The Lock-In will take place September 20, 5:00 PM-September 21, 10:00 AM for Middle School and High School, and from 5:00 to 9:00 PM on September 20th for Elementary students. The Lock-In is a tradition here at HAS, and it is a great way for students to bond and build a family environment. The Lock-In will include a number of activities for the students to participate in, such as team building games, team competitions, video/board games, reading and much more! Students may bring their own books, handheld games, or other card/board games. The Student Council has spent a lot of time and energy planning this event for our students, and we are very excited to enjoy this special event together!

In the evening students will be served barbequed food prepared for them by the Student Council, and breakfast will be a limited choice of items from McDonalds. Some snacks will be provided by the Student Council, and the Student Store will also be open throughout the event as well. Students may bring their own snacks and drinks if they would like too. Each student needs to bring 150NT to cover the cost for activities and breakfast.

At night, the boys and girls in middle school and high school will be separated into different rooms for sleeping with designated male and female chaperones checking in periodically. Drugs, smoking, or alcohol are strictly prohibited on campus. Lock-In is a school event, so all rules and consequences outlined in the HAS Student Handbook will be strictly adhered to.Teacher chaperones, as well as office staff, will be on campus throughout the entirety of the event.

After school on September 20, students may choose to remain on campus or to go home to shower and get ready. Students who leave may begin arriving back at school at 4:30PM and must be in the building by 5:00PM. Late arrivals will not be permitted. For safety reasons, participants will not be allowed to leave early, except in cases of emergency or illness. Students may be picked up starting at 9:30AM and must be picked up no later than 10:00 AM. When arriving and departing, teens must check in with the designated chaperones.

Permission forms and Code of Conduct forms along with the activity fee must be returned to Ms. Grace in the Student Services Office by September 17, 2019. We are looking forward to a very successful event! Please feel free to contact Mrs. Wilson if you have any questions or concerns.

Sincerely, Mrs. Wilson HAS Vice Principal/Student Council Advisor

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