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2019 Welcome to Second Semester

Dear HAS Parents and Families,

Welcome to the second semester at Hsinchu American School! We’ve had quite a year so far and our students have so much to be proud of, both inside and outside of the classroom. We would like to take a few moments to congratulate our amazing students and look forward to all of the exciting events and clubs that will be taking place in second semester!

In the first semester, students have won awards and distinctions from various conferences and activities. Four students travelled to Singapore this year to serve in leadership positions at THIMUN and we also had some chairs and delegates participate in HSINMUN. This was a great opportunity for our middle school students as it allows for younger delegates to gain experience before entering high school. In second semester, our Model United Nations will be sending our students to TASMUN at Taipei American School as well as the largest event on the island, TAIMUN. An exciting new opportunity also begins in second semester which is our World Scholars Cup team. Already, our teams of students are busy preparing for the WSC tournament which will take place in March at Kaohsiung American School. Mr. Lines and Ms. Chen are very excited to bring our HASpacas to represent Hsinchu American School.

Additionally, Student Council and Student Activities have hosted some excellent events this year including Lock-In, Homecoming Dance and various spirit building events. They are very excited as they begin preparing for Sports Day, Spring Fair and Prom. Our Student Council President and Vice-President, Amy and Chrissie have done a phenomenal job and have recreated the family atmosphere and incredible school spirit that HAS is known for. Additionally, in first semester, the Community Service branch has planned some wonderful charitable events and have raised NT$45,000 for World Vision through fundraisers. Our students will be visiting local orphanages as well as senior care homes in January and February and will continue to participate in Eden Social Welfare Foundation events. Ariel and Kelly, our CS coordinators encourage all students to participate in these meaningful service learning opportunities.

In terms of athletics, our students have continued to shine this year. Our varsity boys’ and junior varsity boys’ basketball teams coached by Mr. Lines and Mr. Maguire have done outstanding this year, winning four out of seven games and have played against schools such as HIS, HCAS and AST. Our girls’ volleyball team coached by Elvis and Anson Feng have performed incredibly this season and we are so proud of our ladies! Additional congratulations go out to our very talented athletes as well. Congratulations to Ricky Wu, who is ranked 19th in the Taiwan after competing in a series of golf tournaments both locally and internationally. Wen Chuang in eleventh grade alongside our HAS swimming team continue to excel and place nationally at competitions. We would like to congratulate our amazing HAS Wolves for representing us so well!

Lastly, our Parent-Teacher Association has been busy organizing events such as HAS Family Night and Thanksgiving Potluck. We would like to thank them for all of their hard work. Our next PTA meeting will be on January 11th at 2:00PM and we invite all parents to come and join!

To all families, thank you for all of your support over the past semester. It has been our pleasure working with such dedicated parents and talented students and we are looking forward to what second semester will bring.


Ms. Chen & Ms. Reep

HAS Administrative Team

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