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12/07 November Lexia Superstar

Every month, the elementary students have the chance to "level up" in their reading program, Lexia. All of the students work hard during Reading Club, during their English classes, and at home to practice phonics, reading comprehension, and English vocabulary. This month seven students earned their Lexia Superstar certificates. Congratulations to all of you! #HsinchuAmericanSchool #elemenaryschool #congratulations

每個月小學部的學生們,可以在線上閱讀軟體Lexia中取得“晉級”的機會。 所有學生們無論是在閱讀社團、在英語課堂或是在家,都非常認真練習拼音、閱讀理解和英語詞彙。 本月七名學生獲得了Lexia Superstar證書。 恭喜大家! #新竹美國學校 #小學部 #恭喜


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