1/13 Campus Epidemic Prevention
《Campus Epidemic Prevention》 On January 12, medical staff from Cathay Pacific Hospital arrived at the school to vaccinate eligible students against COVID-19.Thank you parents for your love and support. Maintaining self-discipline and having patience is key to preventing the virus from spreading. Let's work together to keep everyone on our campus safe and healthy.
Thank you Hsinchu Cathay General Hospital Thank you Hsinchu City Fire Department, Minghu Division Thank you East District Public Health Center Hsinchu City
《校園防疫再加分》 1月12日國泰醫院醫護人員到校 為符合資格的學生接種新冠肺炎疫苗 感謝家長們對防疫的支持 疫情仍然考驗著大家的自律與耐心 讓我們共同為維護校園的健康而努力
感謝 #國泰醫院新竹分院 感謝 #新竹市消防局明湖分隊 感謝 #新竹市東區衛生所