3/4/2021 Parent Teacher Conference Letter
Dear Parents/Guardians,
On Thursday, March 4 we will be having our quarter three Parent Teacher Conference from 16:00~19:00. During that time we will also be having our Parent Teacher Association meeting, which will begin at 18:30 in room B03. At this meeting we will be discussing our HAS Art Night, which is scheduled for April 1. We would love for all of you to join us to discuss how your child is doing and to help us better plan for the future. We hope to see you there!
Mrs. Wilson
敬愛的家長/監護人 您好:
本校將於3月4日(星期四)下午16:00~19:00舉行第三季家長座談會;當日18:30另將於B03室召開家長教師會議。 此次家長教師會議,我們將進行4月1日『新竹美國學藝術之夜』活動討論。希望您能出席一同討論如何幫助孩子提升學習成就,並協助學校規劃更好地未來。 期待您的參與!
校長 Mrs. Wilson