1/10 Lifelong learner Award
《Lifelong learner Award》
The Middle School, Lifelong Learner Award goes out to a returning student who has been very kind to her peers and teachers. She always has a smile on her face, and works hard to achieve any personal goals set. We're very excited to see her grow even more at HAS!
Congratulations to Priscilla Kuo!
中學部終身學習者獎,這個月頒發給再次回歸的學生,她能友愛同學尊敬師長,總是面帶笑容,並且努力實踐自己設定的目標。 很高興看到她回到 HAS 後仍持續砥礪自己努力不懈!
恭喜 Priscilla Kuo!