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4/26 Lexia Superstar

This month, almost half of the elementary students earned Lexia Superstar certificates! Hank, Chung Tai, Suri, Apple, Angela, Wesley, and Albert all advanced one level this month. Jaylen and Jason advanced two levels. Finally, Gerald worked extra hard and advanced five levels this month! The teachers are all extremely proud of the progress the students have made so far. Good luck and keep working hard to improve your reading skills during the last month of the 2020-2021 school year!

這個月有一半的小學生獲得了Lexia Superstar證書! Hank、Chung Tai、Suri、Apple、Angela、Wesley和Albert都在本月晉升一級, Jaylen和Jason一次晉升了兩級。然而Gerald更加努力地學習,在這個月一次晉升了五級呢! 老師為你們的努力引以為傲。 祝福所有的學生們,期望大家在2020-2021學年的最後一個月繼續努力提昇閱讀能力! #新竹美國學校 #小學部 #閱讀能力

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