6/7 Textbook Return, Locker Cleanout, and Yearbook Collection
Students will be permitted to return to campus on 06/07 to return their textbooks, clean out their lockers, and collect their yearbooks. Students should arrive on campus by 9:00. Parents should come to pick up the students at 11:00. There will be no planned classes on this day, and school bus service will not be provided. If your child cannot attend on this day, please contact the school office to organize an alternate time to return to campus over the summer vacation.
請學生們於6/7(星期二) 9:00返校,辦理課本歸還、置物櫃鑰匙歸還及清空並領取年刊,手續完成即可離校,家長可於11:00前接回您的孩子;當天不上課,沒有交通車服務,請學生們於時間完成手續,倘若當天無法到校辦理,請與行政辦公室聯繫,約定日期返校辦理。