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2024 Model Child Award

🏆《2024 Model Child Award》

Every year, the Hsinchu City Government gives out an award called the "Model Child Award" to one student in each elementary grade level. The student nominated is someone who has modeled good global citizenship throughout the year by adhering to school rules and respecting teachers, staff, and classmates. This year, the elementary team has chosen Lisa Wang (G1), Razana Chin (G2), Anais Wu (G3), Charlene Jiang (G4) and Aisha Yang (G5) Congratulations on receiving this special award! 👏👏🎉

🏆 《2024 新竹市模範兒童》

每年新竹市政府,都會表揚各校尊師重道、友愛同學且能樹立良好全球公民形象的小學生,頒發『模範兒童獎』。 今年榮獲獎項的學生有Lisa Wang (1年級), Razana Chin (2年級), Anais Wu (3年級), Charlene Jiang (4年級)和 Aisha Yang (5年級)。 讓我們恭喜這五位獲獎學生! 👏👏🎉

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