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5/30 HAS Model United Nations

The Hsinchu American School annual 🌍Model United Nations simulation, HASMUN, was on Friday, May 29, and Saturday, May 30. This annual simulation is a great way for middle and high school students to learn about MUN in a low-stress environment👍. Upper elementary students can serve as admin staff, helping the rooms run smoothly and facilitate conversation between delegates; middle school students can be delegates, representing UN member nations and debating real-world issues; and high school students can choose to be delegates, chairs, press, or members of the secretariat team. While students usually participate in five MUN conferences in Taiwan and abroad, many conferences were cancelled this year to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, HASMUN III was the only conference students could participate in during second semester.😃


5月29日(星期五)和5月30日(星期六)新竹美國學校舉辦年度🌍模擬聯合國會議HASMUN。年度模擬聯合國會議活動對中學生來說是學習MUN的最好的機會👍。 高年級的學生可以擔任會議管理員,幫助會議室平穩運行並促進與會代表之間的對話; 中學生可以是代表聯合國會員國的代表,互相辯論世界發生的相關的問題; 高中生可以選擇成為聯合國會議主席,新聞界或秘書處團隊成員。 一般來說學生通常可以參加台灣和國外的五次MUN會議,但今年為了防止COVID-19的傳播,今年各地取消了多場模擬聯合國會議。 因此,HASMUN III對學生來說是本期唯一可以參加的會議。😃

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