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4/21 Singapore Asian School Math Olympiad (SASMO)

On Tuesday, 21st of April, our students participated in the exciting and prestigious international contest at HAS, Singapore Asian School Math Olympiad (SASMO). The aim of the contest is to develop students' problem-solving abilities and mathematical intuition, reasoning, and critical thinking. Our contestants were very aggressive and ambitious in winning the medals. 😃 Good luck to them and we look forward to receiving the great results soon.

#HsichuAmericanSchool # SingaporeAsianSchoolMathOlympiad #Math

🔸🔹🔸🔹 🔸🔹🔸🔹 🔸🔹🔸🔹

4月21日(星期二) 我們的學生參加了在本校舉辦,具有相當高聲望的國際新加坡亞洲學校數學奧林匹克競賽(SASMO)。這場比賽的目的是發展學生解決問題的能力和數學直覺、推理和批判性思維。 我們的參賽者在獲獎方面展現非常強烈的企圖心。我們期待很快能夠收到好消息。😃祝福他們!

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