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5/24 Last Day of School Letter

Dear HAS Parents and/or Guardians,

We hope this message finds you well. We would like to remind you that the last day of school, Friday, May 31, 2024, will be a half-day. All HAS students are required to attend school to complete some final tasks for the academic year. Starting from 8:20 AM until 11:20 AM, our students will be guided through various activities within their advising groups, including:

  • Conducting locker cleanout

  • Returning locker keys (please remind your child to bring their locker keys)*

  • Return textbooks (please remind your child to bring all their textbooks and novels)

  • Receiving their yearbooks

*We kindly ask students for their assistance in making sure all locker items are removed promptly by 11:20 AM on May 31st to facilitate a smooth transition. Please remind them that this includes bringing their locker keys. Students will receive their locker deposit upon returning their locker keys and cleaning out their lockers. Any items left behind will be handled according to our policy, which may include donation or disposal.

It is essential that students successfully complete all the tasks outlined in the Student Checklist for the last day of school. Students will be dismissed at 1:00 PM, allowing them to start their well-deserved break.

Should you have any inquiries or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to the office. Your cooperation and support are greatly appreciated.

Warm regards,

HAS Admin Team



展信愉快,2024年5月31日(星期五) 將是本學期最後一天上課日,所有學生都需要到校,完成學期末的手續及流程。特別提醒您,當天只有半天行程,從上午8:20到11:20,學生們將在他們各年級指導組別內進行活動,期末流程包括:

  • 清理儲物櫃

  • 歸還置物櫃鑰匙(請提醒您的孩子帶儲物櫃鑰匙到校)*

  • 歸還書本(請提醒您的孩子帶上所有課本和小說)

  • 領取年度紀念冊








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