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4/13 Model Child Award

Every year, the Hsinchu City Government gives out an award called the🏆 "Model Child Award." This award is given to students from 1st to 6th grade to students that adhere to the school rules, respects teachers and staff, and loving to classmates.🎉 Congratulations to the following winners: 👧 Suri Liu 👦 Henry Gau 👧Yuki Lai 👧Amy Han 👦Olly Chen In addition, each student is given a NT$300 voucher to spend at the RT Mart! Good job wolves! #HsinchuAmericanSchool #ModelChildAward #Congratulations🎉 🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹 每一年新竹市政府都會頒發🏆「模範兒童獎」給一至六年級品行優良學生,這些學生必須遵守校規、尊敬師長以及友愛同學。讓我們🎉恭喜以下得獎學生: 👧 Suri Liu 👦Henry Gau 👧Yuki Lai 👧Amy Han 👦Olly Chen 除了獎狀之外,每位得獎學生還獲得新台幣300元大潤發折價卷!實在是太棒了! #新竹美國學校 #模範兒童獎 #恭喜🎉

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