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2/24 First Day Back to School

Today is a sunny day! 🌞It is our first day back to school🏤. 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️Thank you, parents, and students, for your cooperation. In the morning, Mr. Murphy convened an all-school assembly. During the assembly, Mr. Murphy told the students to pay attention to their health, wear a face mask😷, and wash hands often✋💦. If students have a fever🛌, please do not come to school. Remember to call 📞the office to be excused!

#first day back to school #wear a face mask #wash hands often


在艷陽高照的今天🌞新竹美國學校開學了!🏤 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️感謝學生及家長們的配合,今天入校防疫很順利。 校長也隨即召開會議,叮嚀著學生們新冠病毒流行期間注意事項。 戴口罩😷勤洗手✋💦發燒不上學🛌若不能到校上課要記得打電話📞請假哦!

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