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12/05 Winter Performance

We had our annual HAS Winter Performance and it was a smashing success.🎉🎉🎉 This year we raised over $60,000 NTD to donate to World Vision! The students showcased their remarkable talents through songs, dances, acting, and humor. It was an unforgettable way to celebrate the Christmas Season in Hsinchu.


2019年新竹美國學校冬季表演大成功!🎉🎉🎉今年由學生社區服務隊發起的愛心慈善募款活動,一共募集了超過6萬元,於晚會中捐贈給台灣世界展望會。學生們以輕鬆溫馨的方式,透過舞台表演,充份展現各項才藝、歌唱、熱門舞蹈…等。讓我們度過了一個有義意又非常難忘的聖誕季節。 🎅🌲🎁🧸🎅🌲🎁🧸🎅🌲🎁🧸🎅🌲🎁🧸

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