Letter for Parents-- Advising Session
Dear HAS Parents:
On Monday, September 2, the school will have its first after-school advising session of the year for all 5th-12th grade students. Unless excused, all of these students are required to attend from 15:10-16:30. This is an important part of our school program and allows us to track both student academic progress and extra-curricular participation.
Advising takes place once a month. The following are the dates scheduled for 1st semester:
September 2
October 7
November 4
December 2
Please encourage your child to attend each of the required advising sessions.
Darin Murphy, Head of School
親愛的新竹美國學校家長 您好:
指導課程每個月會舉辦一次,以下列出第一學期的指導課程時間表: 9月 2日 10月 7日 11月 4日 12月 2日 請家長們鼓勵孩子務必出席指導課程。
謹祝 如意
Darin Murphy 新竹美國學校 總校長