3/3 G1-4 Virtual Parent/Teacher Conference Letter
Dear Parents/Guardians,
On Thursday, March 3rd we will be having our Spring Semester Parent-Teacher Conference. This is a fantastic opportunity for parents to confer with the teachers of their children to discuss their child's progress, and establish a more personal understanding of their child’s learning. Conferences will be held between 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM. However, as a result of the recent volatility of the COVID-19 situation, we are unable to allow parents onto campus, and therefore conferences will be held online. This also provides the school with the opportunity to further our pandemic response options as prioritized in our WASC action plans.
Over the coming week, you will receive an email from your child’s homeroom teacher with instructions on how to schedule a conference. It is necessary to make an appointment, with elementary teacher conferences limited to 20-30 minutes per session. If a teacher is unable to see you as a result of being overbooked, you reserve the right to email that teacher and set up a separate time to virtually confer over the next week.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, however, the safety of your children and our staff remains our top priority. We hope to see you there and are looking forward to a time in which we can meet in person once more - hopefully in the not too distant future.
Mitchell Hall
Vice Principal
為了讓家長更瞭解孩子在校學習狀況,本校將於2022年3月3日(星期四)舉行春季家長座談會。由於防疫考量,校園暫不開放,因此本次家長座談會,將於下午4:00至7:00採視訊方式進行。 學校也籍此契機延展符合WASC目標,促進整合流行病期間,學校與家長的合作模式。
副校長 Mr. Hall