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Wolves' Success at SASMO 2024

In SASMO (Singapore & Asia Schools Math Olympiad) 2024, we proudly secured one gold medal, one silver, and four bronze medals.🏅🥈🥉 This outstanding achievement reflects our students' dedication, hard work, and problem-solving skills on an international stage.🌍 These accomplishments are not just individual victories but a collective success that underscores the quality of education and the spirit of excellence within our school. Congratulations, Wolves!🐺

很高興在 2024 年新加坡及亞洲學校數學奧林匹克(SASMO)中,我們的學生拿下了一面金牌、一面銀牌和四面銅牌!🏅🥈🥉這個優異的表現充分展現了他們在國際比賽舞台上的努力、投入和解決問題的能力。🌍這些獎項不僅僅是個人的勝利,也是整個團隊的榮耀,充分體現了我們學校的教育水平和追求卓越的精神。恭喜,Wolves!🐺


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