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Ukraine Needs Your Support!

Dear HAS Parents,

The Community Service club, in conjunction with Taipei American School and other international schools in Taiwan, is raising donations for Ukrainian refugee relief efforts. The tragic events in that country have already resulted in over 2 million displaced persons. The club has voted to donate NT10,000 of its own funds and is seeking additional donations.

Please provide the donations to Sophie Su or Mckenzie Chen, our community service coordinators, and the funds will be collected and wired to the Taipei American School charity account. We would like to collect and ship the funds by the end of March. Any help you would like to provide would be greatly appreciated.


Darin Murphy

Head of School

Hsinchu American School


烏克蘭、俄羅斯開戰已超過二週,戰火肆虐下民不聊生,本校社區服務、台北美國學校與其他外僑學校一同發起,為烏克蘭難民賑濟募款活動。戰爭爆發後,烏克蘭已超過200萬難民流離失所、生活物資匱乏。本校社區服務,投票決定捐出社團費用 10,000元。為幫助更多受到戰火波及難民,目前正積極募款中,邀請您共襄盛舉,把愛心化為實質力量!

難民賑濟募款,請交給本校社區服務兩位主席Sophie Su及Mckenzie Chen,我們統一收集募款金額後,將在3月底電匯至台北美國學校慈善賬戶,金額不論多寡,愛心不分大小,積沙成塔,任何數額的捐款,都能讓戰火下的難民得到最即時的援助,再次感謝您的愛心。



新竹美國學校總校長 Mr. Murphy


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