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Gender Equity Lesson

In our very first gender equity lesson, our 1st and 2nd graders dove into an exciting discussion about gender. It was so enlightening for them to realize that boys and girls can have similar interests and hobbies, and that a specific activity isn't just for one gender. This discussion marks the beginning of our journey toward understanding and respecting each other's differences. 🌟💕

在我們的第一節性別平等課上,我們一、二年級的學生一起熱烈地討論著。他們意識到,男生和女生其實可以有一樣的興趣,一樣的愛好,一個活動不一定只適合某一個性別。這次的討論就是我們踏上理解和尊重彼此差異的旅程的開始 🌟💕

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