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9/23 Elementary After-School Program

For the past three weeks, some of the elementary students worked on a "FRIENDS" acrostic poem (similar to the one shown here) during their after-school program. The purpose for this activity was to instill positivity among the students to remind them we need to be friendly towards one another. As a whole, the students came together and decided to come up with their own lines for their acrostic poems. On the last day of the activity, the students chose whom they wanted to give their acrostic poems to, whether it was a teacher or a member of the administration team. Afterwards, they walked around the school giving their poems to the ones they chose. Teachers and administration showed immense support by putting up these poems in their classrooms and/or offices. We are sure this made the students feel a great sense of pride.

新竹美國學校小學部這三週的課後活動,是創作一首名為『朋友』的離合詩。在老師悉心的規劃安排下,積極引導孩子知道和同學友愛相處是件多麼重要的事,也讓他們知道怎麼去愛別人,學會和同伴友好交往。 最終由學生們一同創作,為他們的離合詩寫出屬於自己感動的詩句。



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