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9/22 Parent-Teacher Conference

Dear Parents/Guardians,

On Thursday, September 22nd we will be having our quarter-one Parent-Teacher Conference. This is a great opportunity to meet with the teachers of your child to discuss how they are settling into the new academic year, adapting to schedule changes and more advanced classwork, and addressing any personal or academic concerns that you may have regarding your child and their respective classes.

Due to current COVID regulations, stipulated by the Hsinchu City Government and the Ministry of Education, the conferences will be held online between 4:00pm - 7:00pm. If you need translation, please contact Mr. Max.

Elementary School

Over the coming week, you will receive an email from your child’s homeroom teacher with instructions on how to schedule a conference. It is necessary to make an appointment, with elementary teacher conferences limited to 20-30 minutes per session. If a teacher is unable to see you as a result of being overbooked, you reserve the right to email that teacher and set up a separate time to virtually confer over the next week.

Middle School & High School

Please click here to view details on how to schedule a virtual conference with your child’s teachers. It is necessary to make an appointment, with each conference for high school and middle school teachers limited to a 15-minute time period. If a teacher is unable to see you as a result of being overbooked, you reserve the right to email that teacher and set up a separate time to virtually confer over the next week.

We hope to find a time in the future where teachers and parents can converse face-to-face, however we must ensure the safety of our faculty and student body at this time. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Mitchell Hall

Associate Principal




依據新竹市政府防疫規定,本次家長座談會將於當天下午4:00~7:00,採視訊方式進行。若您需要翻譯,請於Mr. Max聯繫。









Mr. Hall


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