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9/12-9/15 MAP Test

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Next week we will be conducting our first session of MAPS testing for grades 1-10. The MAPS testing is a series of standardized tests that we use as a tool to provide us with accurate, actionable evidence to further inform our instruction. We conduct several MAPS testing sessions throughout the school year to track our student's growth and identify key areas of improvement in our student's academic performance.

The testing session will be held between 09/12 - 09/15 and will replace several scheduled classes on these days. The schedule is as follows:

I would ask that you could support us and your children by ensuring that they get enough sleep the night before the exams and come to school ready for a half-day of testing. The results will be released to parents once the tests have been completed and processed into reports. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Mr. Hall

Associate Principal



下週(9/12-9/15)學校將舉行 1至10 年第一次學業進度測驗(MAPS)。 這項測驗是專為學生各科學業進度所設計的一系列考題,能為孩子的學習表現,提供更完整的數據資料,讓教師及家長瞭解並給予學生更完善的指導。整個學年我們將進行好幾次的學業進度測驗,以便持續收集學生各領域學習發展進度,必要時提供適當的協助。



懇請您協助於測驗期間,督促孩子有充足的睡眠,國小部當天務必要吃早餐,避免空腹影響測驗結果。 屆時學校收到完整的學生測驗成績報告,將會發送給所有家長們;倘若您有任何問題,歡迎與我們聯繫。



副校長Mr. Hall


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