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8th Grader Kai Wang Wins 3rd Place at 2024 WRO Italy

Congratulations to 8th grade student Kai Wang for winning third place  at the 2024 WRO (World Robot Olympiad) International Open in Italy! Kai showcased exceptional creativity and teamwork, bringing pride to Taiwan and demonstrating the limitless potential of the young generation. The President and Vice President also sent their congratulations, commending Kai's outstanding performance and passion for the field of technology. A big thank you to all the teachers and parents for their support. Let’s continue to witness the rise of Taiwan’s future tech talents together!  

恭喜8年級學生Kai Wang在2024年WRO (World Robot Olympiad)國際奧林匹亞機器人義大利公開賽中榮獲第三名!Kai以卓越的創新能力和團隊精神為國爭光,為臺灣年輕世代展現無限可能!總統及副總統也特別致賀電,讚揚Kai的傑出表現及對科技領域的熱情。感謝所有老師與家長的支持,讓我們共同見證臺灣未來科技人才的誕生!


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