6/2 End of Year Reminders
June 2, 2022
Dear Parents and Students,
Despite difficulties presented by the recent Covid outbreak, HAS has continued to grow and remain strong and united. Our students remained engaged and motivated in their academics and continue to display leadership, initiative, and personal growth through their extra-curricular activities. Unfortunately, we could not have everyone attend our Graduation and Student Awards ceremony; however, we were proud to have celebrated our student's accomplishments with those who were present in person and online. As we head towards summer break, here are a few reminders:
《6/7 Textbook Return and Locker Cleanout》
Students should arrive back on campus before 9:00. Homeroom teachers will start taking attendance at 9:10. Please remind your students to bring their textbooks and locker keys. If they have not returned the BNT Parental Consent form, please remember to have the form signed and returned to Ms. Kelly. Students will be able to go home at 11:00. The school bus service will not be provided. If your child cannot come to school this day, don’t hesitate to contact the school office to organize an alternate time to return to campus.
《6/20 BNT Vaccination》
The city government will send medical workers to school in the morning. Please remind students to bring their National Insurance Card to school and COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card (students taking the booster shot only). Students should arrive on campus at 10:00.
As a school, we have faced numerous challenges over this past academic year. However, the strength and warmth of our community remain unwavering and provide the foundation for our school to thrive and grow during uncertain times. The connection between the school and our community and our shared vested interest in our student's personal and academic growth reinforces the notion of hope and excitement for the future.
The administration and teachers hope that everyone has a great summer and that students return in August for another great and exciting year at HAS.
Mr. Murphy and Mr. Hall
親愛的家長 您好:
請學生們於9:00準時到校,各學年導師將於9:10開始督導學生辦理課本歸還、置物櫃清理、鑰匙歸還手續。請家長叮嚀孩子,記得將置物櫃鑰匙帶回學校。另外尚有部份學生未交BNT校園接種意願書,提醒參加疫苗接種的學生,記得將意願書勾填經家長簽名後,當日交給護理師Ms. Kelly。學生辦妥上述手續後11:00前即可離校返家,當天不提供校車,請您見諒!倘若當天無法到校辦理,請與行政辦公室聯繫,約定日期返校辦理。
《6/20 校園BNT疫苗接種》
總校長Mr. Murphy
副校長Mr. Hall