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5/13 End of Year Trip Refund Letter

Dear Parent/Guardians,

Due to the recent cases of COVID and increased safety protocols we have had to cancel the end of year trip for our students. Many of you have already paid for the trip and we will be issuing refunds on Friday, May 14. Students can collect their refund from Ms. Kelly throughout the day to take home. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us.


Mrs. Wilson


敬愛的家長/監護人 您好

尤於新冠肺炎近期社區感染個案增加,為確保學生健康安全,學校不得不取消學年末戶外活動。已繳交活動費用的學生,我們將於5月14日(星期五)進行退費,當天請學生們至101辦公室Ms. Kelly領取退款,感謝您的耐心與理解,為您造成的不便感到萬分抱歉。如果有任何疑問,請隨時與我們聯繫。



校長 Mrs. Wilson

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