5/1 Grade 8 Night

Dear Parents/Guardians of Grade 8 Students, We are happy to invite you to our annual Grade 8 Parent Night on Monday, May 1st, from 5 pm to 6 pm. It will be held in the music room at No.8 Yih-Shuh Road. This event aims to present information to parents and students about what to expect during their high school years. The school’s graduation requirements, course scheduling, and extra-curricular expectations will be discussed. It is important for high school students to have a clear, long-range plan to effectively navigate their high school years to maximize their college application process in 12th grade. The Administrative team will be available to ask any questions you may have as your child prepares for this transition. We highly encourage both parents and students to join us! Hope to see you there! Sincerely, Mr. Murphy Head of School
八年級學生家長/監護人 您好: 學校謹定於5月1日(星期一)下午5點至6點,於藝術路8號音樂教室,舉辦八年級家長之夜座談會,誠摯的邀請您蒞臨參加。 本次活動主要是向家長及學生提供學生進入高中求學時期重要資訊。我們將說明高中部課程安排、課外活動及畢業條件。對高中生來說,設定一個長遠學習計畫及清楚目標相當重要,以便更有效率的度過高中學習生涯,在12年級成功申請心目中理想的大學。 學校的行政團隊將於這次將於座談會中,協助解答孩子準備進入高中的相關問題,瞭解八年級學生順利銜接高中課程的絕佳機會。 期待您的蒞臨! 敬祝 順心平安 總校長 Mr. Murphy