5/1 Grade 11 (Grade 10) Night
Dear Parents/Guardians of HAS Grade 11 (and 10) Students, Hsinchu American School will hold a special Informational Session on Monday, May 1st, from 6 pm to 7 pm. It will be held in the music room at No.8 Yih-Shuh Road. The purpose of the evening is to give the parents of our grade 11 students and the students themselves all the information needed to help with a smooth and successful transition to their senior year and college application process. The evening will include a look at the college application process and the support HAS will offer to help students along the way. We are also inviting parents of our grade 10 students to join us if they would like an early look at what to expect. It's a great way to get organized for the next step beyond high school and to allow yourselves to be well informed in advance. We highly encourage both parents and students to join us! Hope to see you there! Sincerely, Mr. Murphy Head of School
11年級(10年級)學生家長/監護人 您好: 學校謹定於5月1日(星期一)下午6點至7點,於藝術路8號音樂教室,舉辦家長之夜座談會,誠摯的邀請您蒞臨參加。 本次座談會的目的是為了提供11年級學生和家長有關於升學相關重要資訊,來幫助學生們,順利度過高中最後一年學習生涯,成功申請理想大學。座談會內容,將包括大學申請過程的概述,以及HAS將提供的支援來幫助學生順利通過申請過程。 如果10年級的家長想提前了解大學申請過程,我們也歡迎您們參加本次家長之夜座談會。 這是活動有助於整合高中畢業後的下一步計劃並提前充分了解情況,同時獲得豐富的資訊,請家長及學生務必撥冗出席,期待您的蒞臨。 敬祝 順心平安 總校長 Mr. Murphy