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Quarter 4 Parent/Teacher Conference & Report Comments

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope this email finds you well! As a way to better support our students here at HAS we have decided to go a different direction for the 4th quarter Parent-Teacher Conference and report card comments. We have made the decision to not have our traditional Parent-Teacher conferences due to scheduling conflicts with parents and a desire to better reach our students. Instead, this quarter we would like to welcome any parent to reach out to teachers that they would like to speak with to set up a meeting or to receive a detailed email of their child's progress. We think this might be a better use of our parents' valuable time and to better streamline any pertinent information to the parents about their child's progress.

Furthermore, we will not be doing 4th quarter report card comments. This is because the purpose of report card comments is for the students to know how to improve in that class and since this is the end of the school year this is not necessary. Again, you may contact your child’s teachers in order to receive a more detailed report of your child’s progress if you wish.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at any time. We are hoping to have a very successful fourth quarter!


Mrs. Wilson



收信愉快! 為了提供更好的學生課業支持,第四學季的家長座談會和學生成績單評論,我們決定調整和往常不同的方式進行。由於本次家長座談會與學生成績報告的日程相衝突,因此我們決定不舉行家長座談會,學生學習問題,歡迎家長們能隨時與授課老師聯繫,透過電子郵件或與老師安排面談。我們認為這樣的方式,可以讓家長們妥善運用寶貴時間,並更有效率的給家長們提供有關孩子進步的相關信息。





校長 Mrs. Wilson


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