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4/18 Lexia Superstar

《Lexia Superstar》💻📖💡💡

Our Elementary students have been working hard on their online literacy program, Lexia. Lexia helps our students read, speak, and write in English with more confidence. The students have been working in school and individually and we've been giving students their certificates each month for successfully completing different levels. This time, we'd like to celebrate two students who have completed their entire Lexia program. Congratulation to Ryan Kuo and Chung Tai Lai!😃👏🎉🎉


小學部的孩子們正積極的進行線上閱讀計畫,他們利用Lexia線上學習,在英語閱讀、口說、及書寫上展現得更有把握及自信。他們在學校各別完成完各級別的課程並取得證書。這次要特別恭喜Ryan Kuo 和Chung Tai Lai完成級別的整個Lexia線上課程。你們真的是太棒了!😃👏🎉🎉


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