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4/11 Global Citizenship Award

《Global Citizenship Award》 Our elementary global citizen representor for the month of April is someone who has really tried to be more mindful of being respectful, responsible, generous, and patient. He has actively tried to make better choices in his social interactions and does his best to show good leadership skills. This student has matured a lot over the past two years at HAS and deserves recognition for his personal growth. The elementary team is proud to give the Global Citizen Award to Oscar Chang! Congratulations!

《全球公民獎》 尊重、負責、大方、有耐心是本校設立全球公民獎的宗旨,四月份的得獎者,能主動協助同學,有領導力且做事認真。在學校過去2年求學期間不斷進步,心智成熟許多,師長有目共睹,他的努力確實值得嘉獎,讓我們恭喜Oscar Chang獲得四月全球公民獎。


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