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4/10 Global Citizen Award

Each month we select an elementary student who gives extraordinary effort around school, follows our HAS Learner Goals, and sets a great example for others. For the month of March our theme was Purpose. We want to recognize a student who has made many meaningful contributions to both her class and our school. She has also worked cooperatively with others and has shown outstanding community spirit. Congratulations to this month’s Global Citizen Award winner Suri Liu!

每個月小學部都會表揚一位學生,他們展現優秀的學習表現,能夠遵守HAS的學習目標,並成為其他學生學習的榜樣。三月的品格主題是「目的與使命」。因此我們要表揚在課堂和學校都做出了許多有意義貢獻的學生。她展現出卓越的社區精神,積極與他人合作。恭喜本月的全球公民獎得主Suri Liu!


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