4/1 Donations for Ukrainian
🥰🌍❤️《Donations for Ukrainian》
The Hsinchu American School Community Service club, in conjunction with the Taipei American School and other international schools in Taiwan, participated in a fundraiser for Ukrainian refugee relief. The school was able to raise NT 71,140. We would like to thank our students, parents and staff for their contributions. The HAS family is a caring and loving community that strives to give to those less fortunate. All of us should be proud of our efforts.🥰🌍❤️
新竹美國學校社區服務與台北美國學校及台灣其他外僑學校,一同發起為烏克蘭難民賑濟募款活動。 學校此次募得善款,共計新台幣 71,140 元。 特別感謝學生、家長及教職員的愛心奉獻,向烏克蘭難民伸出援手,提供救援。HAS是個充滿愛的大家庭,有能力付出是件值得喜悅的事,施比受更有福。🥰🌍❤️
