3/7 Lifelong Learner Award
The first recipient of our Middle School Lifelong Learner Award has shown a great deal of growth despite being very new to our school. She has shown her teachers that she is committed to setting goals, working hard, and improving in all of her subjects. Congratulations to Jessica Lin from the 8th grade.
Our second award recipient has consistently worked hard this year, and he has shown significant improvement in his attitude toward learning. He is also always willing to lend a helping hand to his peers. Congratulations to Henry Gau from the 5th grade.
《終身學習獎》 第一位中學部終身學習獎得獎者,是剛轉入本校的學生,她到學校就讀後,有明顯的學習提升。 她能設定自我目標,且認真學習朝著目標前進。 恭喜八年級的 Jessica Lin
第二位中學部終身學習獎得獎者,是學習表現一直很努力之外,他的學習態度有大幅度的進步,總是樂於助人、友愛同學。恭喜五年級Henry Gau
