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3/31 Life Long Learner Award

The full award recipient for this month is a hardworking, dedicated and motivated student. He has taken on a more difficult course load, and has successfully achieved the academic goals he set for himself. He is friendly, and continuously tries to embody the HAS learner goals. Congratulations Ryan Chen on being this month's recipient of the Lifelong Learner Award.

This month, our middle school teachers decided that they also wanted to give a special mention as part of the Lifelong Learner Award. This student has been trying hard to participate more in class, and turn in good quality assignments. We are proud of the growth he is achieving, and we are looking forward to seeing how he continues to grow and do well this school year. Congratulations Steven Lu!


這個月獲得終身學習獎,得獎的是一位勤奮、努力用功且積極進取的學生。他為自己設定學習目標,選修不少課程,學習認真且待人和善與同學相處融洽,完全體現HAS學習目標。恭喜Ryan Chen!

另外,中學部老師要加頒終身學習獎給一位學生,他積極努力參與課堂活動,認真學習,交出品質完善的作業,老師們為他的勤奮感到開心,期待他繼續保持與努力,恭喜Steven Lu獲得本月終身學習獎。


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