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《HASMUN V · Develop an International Perspective》 This year, the MUN club held the 5th HASMUN conference with Bill Cheng and Atulya Mittal serving as the Secretaries-General. This year’s focus was on the 16th sustainable development goal set by the UN, to “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.” The committee for this HASMUN was the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) chaired by Mckenzie Chen and Steve Loo. The committee discussed “The Question of Establishing Measures to Reduce the Proliferation of Fraudulent Medicines” and “The Question of Combating Wildlife Crime and Preventing the Illegal Smuggling of Animals and Animal Products.” It was a fruitful conference with each delegate contributing a unique perspective.

《培養國際視野 新竹美國學校模擬聯合國》 2022年新竹美國學校第五屆模擬聯合國會議在校內舉辦,由Bill Cheng和Atulya Mittal擔任秘書長,此次模擬聯合國會議重點,在於定訂16項可以全球永續發展的目標。『創建和平、包容的社會以促進可持續發展、讓所有人都能訴諸司法,在各級建立有效、負責和包容的機構』。 本次模擬聯合國毒品和犯罪問題辦公室(UNODC),主席由Mckenzie Chen 和 Steve Loo 擔任。委員會在本次會議中討論『減少假冒藥品危害健康措施』和『打擊野生動植物犯罪和非法販運野生動物貿易問題』。這次的會議,各模擬國代表以寬廣年輕的視野,發表獨到的觀點,說出自己的想法,成果可說是相當豐碩。

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