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2024 Fall MAP Testing

August 26, 2024


Dear Parents,


We trust this message finds you and your loved ones in good health. We are writing to inform you about the upcoming MAP Growth assessments scheduled for grades 1 through 8.


The MAP test, which stands for Measure of Academic Progress, is a valuable tool we use to measure your child's academic achievement and growth over time. This session marks our first MAP test of the school year. The results from these assessments help us monitor your child's progress and identify areas where they may need additional support or enrichment. The testing session is scheduled to take place from September 10th-12th. Please refer to the schedule below for specific timings:

We kindly request that you ensure your child gets plenty of rest the night before their assessments and has a nutritious breakfast to fuel their minds. Additionally, please remind them to bring their laptops and chargers to school on the testing days.  We understand that standardized testing can sometimes be daunting for students, but we encourage them to approach the assessments with a positive mindset and to do their best. Once the assessments have been completed and processed, we will promptly share the results with you in detailed reports.


Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the MAP Growth assessments, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Your partnership in your child's education is invaluable, and we appreciate your support in this endeavor.


Best regards, 

Mr. Kensinger


Hsinchu American School













敬祝  順心愉快 


校長 Mr. Kensinger


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