2024-2025 Back To School Letter
Dear Parents and Students,
We hope this letter finds you well and that you are enjoying your summer break. As we prepare to begin the new academic year of 2024-2025, please note that the first day of school is Wednesday, August 7th. We are eagerly looking forward to welcoming you in our second year at our new campus and beginning an exciting year ahead.
To help students transition smoothly, the student council has planned various icebreakers and activities on the first day. Students should wear comfortable shoes and bring their school bags, stationery, and water bottles. During these activities, students will receive their locker keys (middle school and high school only) and textbooks, meet their teachers, and learn about their classes. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to start the year on a positive note and get acquainted with their new environment.
Parents dropping off or picking up their children should enter through the front gate of Chunghua University. Directions to our campus can be found at the following URL: https://bit.ly/2Hcp1UP. For students using the school bus, the General Affairs office has emailed the pick-up and drop-off schedule. Additionally, we will be returning to buffet-style lunches, so students participating in the school lunch program should remember to bring their eating utensils.
We are excited to see you all soon and wish you a happy and successful school year.
Best regards,
Darin Murphy
Derek Kensinger
家長們在接送孩子上下學時,請使用中華大學的正門進入。校園位置請參閱以下網址: https://bit.ly/2Hcp1UP。搭乘校車的學生,總務辦公室已通過電子郵件發送了接送時間表,請您留意。此外,我們自上學期開始恢復自助式午餐,請學生們務必攜帶餐具。
敬祝 順心平安
總校長 Mr. Murphy
校長 Mr. Kensinger