2021 Spring Fair Letter
Dear Parents/Guardians,
On Saturday, May 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. we will be hosting our annual Spring Fair. This event is a whole school and community event that will take place outdoors on our campus. During this event there will be a variety of carnival games hosted by different grades, student performances, horseback rides, a bounce house, a variety of food vendors and much more. We are very excited because, due to Covid-19, it is the first time we have been able to host this event in two years. Please bring all of your family, friends and neighbors to join in an afternoon of fantastic festivities. We can’t wait to see you at Spring Fair!
Mrs. Wilson
謹訂於5月15日(星期六)上午10時至下午2時,於本校戶外場地進行一年一度的春季園遊會。 這是個學校與社區的活動,園遊會當天將有各種有趣的歡樂遊戲、學生表演、騎馬體驗、彈跳屋及各種點心食品販售…等。本次園遊會於Covid-19疫情期間,事隔兩年來再次舉辦,我們非常興奮與期待! 歡迎您和您家人、朋友、鄰居一起來參與精彩活動。 我們迫不及待想在春季園遊會上與您見面!
校長 Mrs. Wilson