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Resuming On-Campus Education

Dear Parents/Guardians, Starting on Monday, February 24th normal on-campus classes will resume at HAS. Due to the coronavirus, we will be following some strict procedures to ensure the safety of all students. Because of the severity of the situation it is mandatory that all students and parents are in compliance with the new procedures. Firstly, students should not come to school if they are showing any coronavirus symptoms, such as a fever, cough, or headache. When arriving at school students must use the B1 entrance and will not be allowed in the building until 7:45 a.m. Students will have their temperature taken at the door, spray their hands with alcohol, and it is mandatory that they wear a mask at all times. It is not possible for the school to provide masks for the students due to their lack of availability. Once at school, students will not be allowed to leave the campus. This means that if students are not getting school lunches, they need to bring food with them in the morning. No parents will be allowed on campus at all during this time. Most extracurricular activities will be canceled and students will be required to go to their homeroom directly after school. The school will be closing at 4:00 PM every day to clean and disinfect the classrooms. This means that all students must be out of the building at 4:00 PM, and that parents need to pick them up at that time. The school bus will be leaving at 4:00 PM as well. Parent Teacher conferences will be canceled at this time to help ensure the safety of our students. If parents have any questions please feel free to email your children’s teachers or Vice Principal Wilson. At this time, we will be following these procedures indefinitely. We are closely monitoring the situation and will notify you of any changes. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause you. The safety of our students is our main concern at this moment. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Vice Principal Wilson.

Ministry of Education School Health Information Site:

敬愛的家長您好 新竹美國學校將於2月24日(星期一)開始恢復正常上課。由於新冠病毒疫情持續影響,因此校園將會採取嚴格的防疫措施,以確保所有學生安全,懇請所有學生和家長配合。

首先,如果學生們有任何身體不適的症狀,例如發燒、咳嗽或頭痛,請您在家休息不要上課。上學期間,學校將於上午7:45開啟B1大門讓學生入校,所有學生統一使用B1校門出入。到校後,教職員將在校門口,為學生監測體溫,並使用酒精消毒雙手,為保護自身安全,請學生們務必戴口罩上學,學校目前沒有足夠的庫存口罩提供給學生使用,懇請大家體諒。 上課期間,我們將進行校園管制,不允許學生離開校園。因此如果學生不吃學校午餐,請您於上學前準備好餐食攜帶到校。在此期間所有家長都不能進入校園。 大多數的課外活動將取消,學生放學後直接留在原班級教室。校園統一於下午4:00 關閉,以進行教室清潔和消毒。因此所有學生們必須在下午4:00 離開教學大樓,請家長們於該時段將孩子接回,校車同步在下午4:00發車。 為確保學生的健康安全,即將進行親師會已決定取消。若家長有任何疑問,您可隨時發送電子郵件,給老師或副校長Mrs. Wilson,我們將儘快回覆您。 在新冠病毒流行期間,學校將持續進行以上防疫措施。並密切注意疫情狀況,若有任何改變我們將會發送通知給您。 保障學生健康安全為第一要務,倘若造成您的不便,我們深感抱歉。如果您有任何疑問或疑慮,請您隨時與副校長Mrs. Wilson聯繫。


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