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Back to School Letter from Superintendent

Dear Parents and Students of HAS,

I want to welcome everyone to the 2019-2020 school year, our 15th year. We at HAS are very excited about the start of this fall semester. We have a number of very qualified returning and new teachers ready to launch us into a great year. I am very excited about the opening of the lower elementary grades; and with all of the renovations over the summer, the school is in excellent shape.

Student orientation is on Monday, August 12, with students getting their textbooks, lockers and classroom assignments. They will get the opportunity to catch up with old friends or to meet new friends in their advising groups. In the afternoon, they will go around to all of their classes to meet the teachers and get a brief description of their various courses. The first day of full instruction will be on August 13.

Let’s start fall semester off with a bang and make this one of the best years in the school’s history.


Darin Murphy

Head of School/Principal

Hsinchu American School

親愛的新竹美國學校家長、學生 您好:




謹祝 如意

Darin Murphy

新竹美國學校 總校長

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